One of the most common gripes we hear about the Clarisonic is the dreaded purging period – when your once clear and dewy skin becomes temporarily plagued with breakouts. Some believe this is simply a myth; but the reality is it's just a temporary breakout that typically occurs within the first month of starting a new skincare regime. For anyone who may be experiencing a skin purge – or if you’re on the fence about joining team Clarisonic for this exact reason – fear not, as Emily has a few top tips to make sure your skin stays perfectly polished and blemish-free.
1. Don’t apply too much pressure
The Clarisonic is designed to gently open the pores and remove all the nasties, without the need to apply pressure. Make sure you allow the Clarisonic brush head to glide over your skin in a gentle circular motion, and follow the T-Timer so you know when to move on to the next section.
2. Stay on the lowest setting
For the first two to three weeks of using your Clarisonic, you should stick to the lowest possible speed while your skin adjusts to the new levels of clean! The Aria, Mia 2 and Plus all have multiple speed settings.
3. Avoid over-use
We would recommend using your Clarisonic device once a day during this the first few weeks, and maybe even as little as four times a week to begin with.
4. Listen to your skin
Be aware that you may have been due a breakout anyway, and the Clarisonic simply brought it on sooner than anticipated as it draws out all of the nasties trapped in the pores. When you switch to cleansing with a Clarisonic device, your skin will be six times cleaner than manual brushing, and the debris in your pores has to go somewhere!